Phonics自然拼读系列Fantastic Phonics60本 Decodable Books解码读物

这套书是自然拼读系列Fantastic Phonics Early-reading的60本decodable books解码读物,是对应Phonics自然拼读教材中所教的Phonics拼读规律来编写的训练孩子拼读能力的简易读物。
decodable books一般是黑白的,彩色的比较少,这套decodable books就是黑白的,比较适合打印出来和孩子一起读。
名称:自然拼读系列Fantastic Phonics decodable books
集数:Series One 20册,Series Two 20册,Series Three 20册
Cat On the Mat
I Want a Pie
The Pirates
Dan and a Van
Pa and his Car
A Ride on a Steam Train
The Lad
Ma Darns her Sock
Fly My Kite
Dan and his Cap
The Fly and the Bee
I Knew a Boy
The Pet in a Jet
Make a Mud Cake
We Went to the River
The Hen in a Pen
On my Roof
The Train on the Plain
Pip the Pup
We all Play Ball
Harrison\'s Goal
The Kid and a Pig
A Fish to Cook
A Dance in France
The Tin Bin
The Song
The Goat and the Toad
The Dog in the Well
I Want a Wand
The Roar of the Boar
Will is Ill
My Sister
My New Hammer
Pop and his Pot
A Pup in the Straw
A Christmas Wish
Hog and the Dog
I Saw a Witch
At the Beach
A Bug in the Mud
The Funny Farm
My Chicken Pox
Pets are Fun
A Mole in the Hole
We Went for a Sail
Jay can Play
A Piglet in my Pocket
My Baby Bird
Dan and the Bee
Bet and her Kitten
Off to Camp
The Fox in the Box
I Saw Two Mice
Our Secret Cave
Joe had to Mow
The Clown
A Day at the Zoo
Tom Sows his Seeds
From My Cupboard
The Castle
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